Our Mission
Here at Point Higher Brand our mission is to spread the love of Jesus through social outreach, donations to local ministries and other causes that are in need as well as being a positive witness to everyone we meet on the trails. While focusing on Adventure and outdoor themed products, we still want to be sure that our items promote a wholesome and uplifting message.
Our Prayer
Along our way we are praying for each and every one of you that we come into contact with. Our prayer is not only for your physical needs, but for your spiritual need as well. We have a desire to see all of our followers come to know the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior. He died on a cross for the sins of man and rose again. If we believe in Him and ask for His forgiveness, we can live eternally in Heaven with Him! If at any point you have a need for prayer or want to know more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, or just want to talk, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we would be glad to pray with you.
Our Social Outreach
We love to share stories from our time traveling, although we use various forms of social media to keep in touch with all of you. We would love to meet up, whether at a local church event, gospel music concert or at a campground somewhere. It is so important to us that we show you all how great life can be when you are living for and serving the one true King.
Our Impact
While selling merchandise is great, we want to be sure that we are giving back to the community. Each quarter we will be selecting a different ministry to give a portion of our profits to. Whether it be a local church, individual battling an illness or a missionary group in another country. We would be happy to hear about an area that is in need. Please send us a private message on any of our social media accounts or simply email us.